Module 3.2

Summarizing Data

Group, summarize and arrange

Now that we have completed some wrangling, let’s do something with our data. A common sequence in data science is group by(), summarize() and arrange(). First, we group the data by certain value or category. Then we summarize it by applying a function like min(), max(), mean(), median() or sd(). Finally, we order the data according to column values.

Let’s go ahead and apply our three new verbs to a data frame and store the resulting new data frame in an object.

You can download the raw data from here and read it into your environment with the read_csv() function from the readr package. Store it in an object called dem_women.

We will group the data by region, take the mean of each variable, and sort the data in descending order based on the regions’ polyarchy scores. Then we will print the object to view its contents. Along the way, we can also export the data to a .csv file for future use.


Remember to check your file path when reading in a CSV file. If the file is not in the same directory as your R script, you will need to specify the path to the file.

# Load packages


dem_women <- read_csv("data/dem_women.csv") # if the path is different, adjust this code

# group_by(), summarize() and arrange()
dem_summary <- dem_women |> # save result as new object
  group_by(region)  |> # group dem_women data by region
  summarize(           # summarize following vars (by region)
    polyarchy = mean(polyarchy, na.rm = TRUE), # calculate mean, remove NAs
    gdp_pc = mean(gdp_pc, na.rm = TRUE), 
    flfp = mean(flfp, na.rm = TRUE), 
    women_rep = mean(women_rep, na.rm = TRUE)
  ) |> 
  arrange(desc(polyarchy)) # arrange in descending order by polyarchy score

# Save as .csv for future use
write_csv(dem_summary, "data/dem_summary.csv")

# View the data
Rows: 6
Columns: 5
$ region    <chr> "The West", "Latin America", "Eastern Europe", "Asia", "Afri…
$ polyarchy <dbl> 0.8709230, 0.6371358, 0.5387451, 0.4076602, 0.3934166, 0.245…
$ gdp_pc    <dbl> 37.913054, 9.610284, 12.176554, 9.746391, 4.410484, 21.134319
$ flfp      <dbl> 52.99082, 48.12645, 50.45894, 50.32171, 56.69530, 26.57872
$ women_rep <dbl> 28.12921, 21.32548, 17.99728, 14.45225, 17.44296, 10.21568